
Press Release

The Light Has Come!

Source Resonance Films announces the DVD release on September 1, 2008, of the long-awaited indie documentary, A Course In Miracles Unleashed: A Direct Encounter with Jesus Christ in the Evolution and Enlightenment of the Human Species.

This unique 4-part documentary film takes the viewer on a journey without distance into the arcane process of individual spiritual enlightenment, through the singular dramatic experience of over 100 ordinary men and women from around the world, who were awakened and illuminated by the revolutionary mind training program of Jesus Christ in his Course In Miracles.

After watching the movie, Reverend Alden Hughes of the Miracles Healing Center in Wisconsin Dells, WI. had this to say: "The exciting astonishment accompanying this transformation of mind is plainly visible in the stories and in the faces on the screen. You are invited to participate in this very personal yet transcendent film experience that will heal the world as it heals you."

Source Resonance Films is a whole part of A Course In Miracles International, a worldwide not-for-profit organization with headquarters in Wisconsin Dells, WI.

A Course In Miracles Unleashed is its first feature length film.